Tropical Exotics

Tropical Exotics


      Our collection of exotic tropical plants will excite the inner explorer in you! Orange Lake Nursery makes it easy to grow indoor tropical houseplants that will transform your indoor spaces into delightful, exotic destinations. Tropical houseplants are native to areas with warm climates. Recreating this environment indoors and enjoying the splendor of tropical exotic plants is possible no matter where you live. 

      223 products

      Tropical Exotics at Orange Lake Nursery

      Tropical plants provide exotic beauty and a touch of elegance wherever they are. Orange Lake Nursery stocks many types, from classic varieties like Monstera deliciosa to highly desirable rare tropical plants like Monstera Albo. Become the envy of plant-loving friends and family by adding a highly collectible, textured Monstera Burle Marx Flame, which is sure to steal the limelight in any setting. 

      With their interesting leaf shapes, colorful leaves and bright flowers, tropical exotic plants have a unique appeal. These spectacular beauties can brighten up indoor settings even in cooler seasons. Take your collection to the next level by adding some specimens from the following species from Orange Lake Nursery: 

      • Monstera
      • Musa
      • Philodendron
      • Syngonium
      • Epipremnum
      • Alocasia
      • Anthuriums & More!

      Tropical Plant Care

      Not all exotic tropical plants have the same care requirements, so it is essential to check the specific care instructions of each particular species to provide the best conditions so your plants flourish. A cute Alocasia has different light and watering requirements than a rare Monstera Thai Constellation. We have listed some care guidelines below that hold true for many varieties of tropical plants. Requirements to be aware of include: 

      • Temperature: Tropical plants love warm conditions. Optimal indoor temperatures for houseplants should range between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and avoid falling below 60 degrees at night.
      • Humidity: Most tropical plants thrive in high humidity, and many benefit from occasional misting.
      • Watering: Check the individual species' watering requirements. However, it is usually better to err on the side of underwatering rather than risk root rot by overwatering. Most plants don't like wet feet!
      • Light: Large leaf varieties love bright, indirect sunlight and do well when protected by sheer curtains.
      • Regular feeding: Tropical plants are heavy feeders and benefit from regular applications of quality, balanced fertilizer to maintain their lush, healthy appearance. 

      Find the Perfect Tropical Exotic Plant at Orange Lake Nursery Today

      Orange Lake Nursery offers customers a tailored selection of exotic tropical plants. Discover the perfect plant your heart has been dreaming about — ordering a plant in this collection means you'll purchase the EXACT plant shown in the photos! The friendly team at Orange Lake Nursery can't wait to help you transform your indoor spaces into an exotic tropical jungle. Order now or contact us today for more information.