A tray full of Alocasia Mickey Mouse plants in black pots

Ugly Ducklings & On Sale Plants


      What is our Sale and Ugly Duckling Collection? Our discounted plant collection is stocked full of gorgeous beauties that won’t break the bank. The wide array of species within this opportunistic collection will have mostly minor cosmetic damages. Our price cuts for this special collection are unmatched as these rehabs are disease and pest-free. Get your wish list exotic plants for a discount! Even ugly plants deserve love. 

      41 products

      The perfect way to build your collection or grab your next project plant!

      A few blemishes or lopsided leaves never hurt anyone! While plant may be perfect the way they are; just taking up prime real estate. Either way it is the perfect way to get those new plant babies at a steal!

      We offer these plants at a discounted price to allow the extra care & time you give your new plant to be the reason for its high value.

      Although, we can’t guarantee variegation or prevent future reversion, you are sure to have a happy plant for a STEAL of a price. Plants can range from a Monstera Thai Constellation to anything in our Tropical Exotics collection.

      What are the benefits of ordering from the clearance selection?

      Uncommon plants sold at a great price! Everyone loves a good sale.

      • Insignificant Cosmetic Flaws- Boost your profits with proper care and optimal conditions for your investment plant. Help your plant regain its former beauty.
      • Prime Real Estate- Clearing out spaces for our slower-selling plants allows us to restock our greenhouse for you! More room, means more plants! Ensuring there is enough room for Orange Lake Nursery to find you your next Wish List Plant!
      • A Rewarding Project- Every plant lover brews with excitement at the sight of their first new leaf. Turn your plant skills into a rewarding new beautiful plant.

      All orders from this collection will come with a complimentary Orange Lake Nursery pot as a gift from our jungle to yours! We appreciate your continued support in caring for the plants that just need a bit more TLC.