Tissue Culture Plantlet

Tissue Culture Plantlet


      There is something magical about growing plants from tissue culture plantlets. This remarkable growing technique that starts exotic and rare plants from tissue culture makes owning and enjoying exceptional plants more affordable, and it is highly rewarding. Tissue culture plants open up a new world of excitement and opportunity for avid plant collectors, and once you get started, they may well become your next big obsession. We will show you how to to acclimate tissue culture plantlets so that they grow and thrive and you can keep adding more varieties to your collection! There is a learning curve involved with tissue culture plants, so we recommend beginning with one of our packs of five. Our five packs allow for more opportunity to learn and experiment, at a lower cost!

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      Tissue Culture Acclimation and Care

      Getting new tissue culture plantlets off to the right start is key to their success. As excited as you may be to open your brand-new living treasures and show them some love, giving the newbies plenty of time to settle in is essential. Follow each of these six steps to ensure your new tissue culture makes the leap from its sterile home to your jungle. 

      1. Unwrap but do not open for 1-2 days: Leave the cultures to settle and adjust to the temperature inside their plastic flasks.
      2. Thoroughly wash the plantlet: Remove all gel to avoid mold growth. Wash the plantlets a few times in clean running water.
      3. Plant your tissue culture plantlets: Give your new rare or exotic treasures the best start in Orange Lake Nursery Aroid Mix and water thoroughly. 
      4. Provide humidity: Place the potted tissue plantlets in a closed container to ensure consistent, high humidity.
      5. Provide lots of light: Place the plantlets under grow lights for at least 12 hours per day.
      6. Gradually expose them to ambient air: After the first week, progressively expose the plants to ambient air. Some varieties require a little longer in the humidity flasks than others. 

      Follow our step-by-step instruction guide for a more detailed video walk-through on how to acclimate your new tissue culture plantlets. For a quick refresher course, our Quick Guide is a great place to start.

      Types of Tissue Culture Plantlets

      Orange Lake Nursery is your one-stop shop for the best selection of tissue culture plantlets. You will be spoiled for choice, as we offer nearly 100 varieties of gorgeous species of the following types: 

      We have everything you need, including the tools required to get your tissue culture houseplants off to the best start so you can create your own living jungle!

      Shop Orange Lake Nursery Tissue Cultures Today

      Orange Lake Nursery is a family-owned business where we love everything to do with plants. For more information or to get started in the exciting world of growing exotic plants from tissue culture plantlets, contact Orange Lake Nursery today!